Bubble tea
In its most basic form, bubble tea consists of sweetened black tea, milk, ice, and chewy tapioca pearls, all shaken together and served with a wide straw to make room for the pearls of tapioca that cluster at the bottom of the cup. Shaking introduces the milk bubbles, and the pearls add to the beauty of this popular drink. Variations can include classic, taro, brown sugar, fruit-filled, and more. This hands-on class will show you how to make this drink at home, including how to make the tapioca pearls and adjust the drink to your personal taste.
Shakopee March 25th
Prior Lake May 14
Come to Next Chapter Winery for a fun filled class. Learn the art of creating an individual charcuterie board for you to nibble on. You will learn the basic rules for putting together the next perfect board and be ready for entertaining your next gathering of friends or coworkers! Boards and food are all included in your fee for this class. Wine is available for purchase at the class.
Next Chapter Winery July 22
Comfort Foods - Pizza
Pizza is a staple in our society. You can have your favorites, whether thin or thick, cheese or meats or just veggies. Come make your family’s go to dinner or put it in the freezer for later. The crust will be made from scratch, and you can choose the toppings that your family likes. Learn to make the dough (even dough for grilling), Create a perfect rich tomato sauce to put on that rolled out dough to make the best pizza ever! Then bring it home and share your fun. Leave your favorite pizza combo in the comment section when registering. . Parents/kids combo welcome. Two 12” pizzas will be made per supply fee.
TCU June 5
Dehydrated Meals for Backpacking/Wilderness
For those of us who like to hike, camp, canoe or spend time in the wilderness, eating well is essential for our stamina. But it is also important to carry as little weight and take as little space as possible! In this class, you will see meals the instructor has dehydrated and how to dehydrate your own meals to save you money and get better tasting healthier meals on the trail. Rehydrating is just as important too, so come learn some of the tricks to having tacos, stews, chicken and veggies in the back country.
TCU May 8th
Prior Lake June 11
Edible Gardens for Kids
We want our kids to eat their veggies. We also want them to learn responsibility. This class puts the responsibility of caring for a mini garden in the hands of our kids. Designed for the child who does not want to eat her/his veggies or maybe loves to play in the dirt, your child will go home with a small garden container to care for this summer. Out of her/his work, tomatoes, carrots, green beans and other yummy FRESH veggies will grow that will taste so much better than store vegetables. Best of all they will be introduced to the basics of gardening, the importance of patience and practicality of how-to water and “feed” their plants.
Shakopee May 20
Fresh Salads for Summer
Explore the delicious tastes of vegetables, grains and protein in 3 different salads that require minimal cooking on hot days. Using either fresh ingredients or leftovers, a tasty, satisfying and complete healthy meal can be created. Homemade salad dressings using dry or fresh herbs will also be covered in this class. Please bring 4 small containers for salads and dressing to bring home with you.
June 6
Kids Cooking Camp 101
Do you want to learn to cool beyond the boxed or frozen ready meals, hot dogs or pizza? Do you love cake and cookies? This in-depth camp will introduce and provide hands-on experience in the basic skills of food and kitchen tool safety, food handling, chopping, sauteing and creating healthy and easy meals for yourself and your families. Each morning, a topic will be introduced, skills will be practiced and a complete healthy meal made, which you will enjoy for lunch. This afternoon features all baked items and other homemade sweet creations we love. On the final day you will bring home dinner and dessert for your family. Please pack a lunch for the final day of class.
New Prague June 4-5
Prior Lake June 10-13
Jordan June 17-18
Shakopee June 24-27
Prior Lake July 8-11
Shakopee July 15-18
Jordan July 22-23
Kids Cooking Camp 201
Have you taken one of my cooking camps (or cooking 101) in the past, found it easy, and really enjoyed it? Then you may be ready for the next level. In this camp, I will introduce tools and techniques such as mandolins, instant pots, canning, grilling and multi-step recipes. We will review kitchen safety and healthy eating. Possible food and techniques used or created include: marinating, brunch items, jelly or jam, lava cakes, cake pops, fried or grilled foods and creating a healthy balanced menu. Because we will be working together in groups with multiple hot items and recipes; safety, awareness and being able to work in the kitchen comfortably without direct help is an expectation for this class.
Prior Lake July 24-25
Shakopee MEA break -save the date.
Kitchen Herb Gardens
Take the mystery and fear out of growing and cooking with herbs—basil, dill, cilantro, lavender, rosemary, thyme, sage, tarragon, —to name a few. Taste and smell the flavors of these herbs, and discover the role these flavors have when added to everyday or special dishes and cuisines. In this make-and-take class, we will discuss herbs, what to do with them and plant a full pot for your patio or to set by your back door to use for cooking all summer long! Come with questions or ideas to share! Since we are working with soil, please dress appropriately or bring an apron and gloves.
TCU April 23th -
Prior Lake April 30th
Chaska May 13th
Shakopee May 21st
Fermented tea has been popular for a while. We reach for it in the stores at $3 or $5 a bottle, but what if you could make it at home and tailor it to your tastes? Perhaps you are addicted to the taste, but don’t want as many bubbles. Or perhaps you want to explore your own flavor combinations. Come and taste different fermented teas, learn how to make your own and go home with a SCOBY (what is that?) to make your own kombucha. Bring a covered 4 cup container or one gallon jar to class.
Shakopee Aug 19th
Preserving your Harvest
With the growing season in full swing, it is time to learn the basics of home preservation. Homemade jams, spicy salsas, fresh beans, fermented cabbage can all be enjoyed during the cold winter months. Home canning of fresh food provides a number of benefits, including lower grocery bills, sustainable lifestyles, and better nutrition through control of the ingredients that go into your food. Once you know the basics, home canning and preservation is really quite easy. This class will introduce you to the tools/equipment, food safety, and produce/ingredient selection needed to successfully preserve produce this season and for many years to come. Adults or age 15+.
Chaska April 16th
New Prague May 29th
Prior Lake June 11th
Shakopee June 25th
Small Space Gardens
Learn how to grow a high volume of edible plants in small spaces. Loosely based on Mel Bartholomew’s methods, this class will show you how to create a square foot garden or use containers for small spaces. Learn how to rotate your crops, keep your soil healthy, and minimize pests. You will also learn what grows well where, and why small-space gardens are the best way to start gardening. An opportunity to draw up a plan to use at home this summer is included in class time.
Shakopee April 25th
Jordan May 7th